Thanks for all your support!






September 7th, 2024

Chapter 14 for September is actually up in September! Normally I’m a week or two early, but I had a busy month. As always, November and December are the months where I’ll be drawing in backgrounds and minor fixes, so October may be the last chapter this year! We’re almost halfway through volume 2, so the main story will be started as the main party is assembled. October is the website’s anniversary, but no big plans for it as of now. The summer banner will be going away soon as fall arrives, and the Halloween banner will return! Until October, see ya!


July 19th, 2024

Chapter 13 up a little early! I didn’t feel like drawing all the backgrounds in yet, but I’ll get to it. Backgrounds are either really fun to draw or a huge pain, but they do help make things look a lot better! So I will have to fill them in at some point! Chapter 14 has some panels done too, so progress is quick this summer! Until next time!


June 24th, 2024

Chapter 12 is up early! There are still some tweaks I’d like to make but it’s good enough for me! Chapter 13 is now in progress, but it’s a longer one, so it may take some time. I am unsure of when it will be ready but hopefully sometime in early August. You may notice the new summer banner! I had a holidays banner and a Halloween banner, so I felt like a summer one would be fun too. I’ve also started working on a “Cast and Characters” page, it will have profiles of the cast for quick information. I hope you enjoy chapter 12! See ya!


June 11th, 2024

Hello! I’ve wrapped up my month around Japan. Had a lot of fun, saw a great many awesome things, and met and talked with a lot of nice people. I’ve started Chapter 12 for July. It should be out around mid-July, as I have a lot of things to work on and catch up with after a month off. It’s nice to get back to drawing, but I really enjoyed the break from life! Working on some merch as well, should be ready around the time of the Chapter 12 release. Will give some out to the patreons and others I may put in a shop. We’ll see how it turns out! In the meantime, I should get back to cleaning the house and drawing. Thanks for checking in after my vacation!


April 29th, 2024

I had a pretty bad April. One of the hardest days of my life was surrounded by a lot of bad days. It was as if all the stars in the night sky aligned to cosmically punch me one by one. I didn’t get to fully finish chapter 11 as I wanted to. Some pages are a bit empty, but the story is still there if the art isn’t fully. I’ll likely finish them before I go on vacation but I’m posting May’s chapter just in case I don’t. I’ll be taking a fist full of yen as I hop on the shinkansen and ride around Japan for a bit.

Enjoy chapter 11 while I’m gone! There will be no June chapter as I intend to ignore work and hobbies for a full month. I should be back in July for chapter 12. It feels weird to step away from my hobby for a bit, but I think it will be good for me. See you on the other side!


April 4th, 2024

Chapter 10 is up! Things are moving fast, helps that I’ve drawn it all once already! (albeit poorly) Chapter 11 is under way, I hope to finish half of it before I go on a little vacation. Soon the party will have all been gathered and the main story should kick into gear within 3-4 chapters depending on how I rearrange things. Until then, just sit back and enjoy the work as I grind through!


March 14th, 2024

Chapter 9 is up! I also fixed some bugs around the website. Chapter 10 is already under way! Still working on the game and the translations, those are going to take some time! I have added an “other arts” page in the meantime where I will post some of my other short comics and art.

Thanks for all your support!


Feb 29th, 2024

I was hoping to finish the 9th chapter the first week of March, but it’s the longest chapter yet and taking so much time! I thought about cutting it into two chapters, but I don’t feel like there’s enough for two chapters. Worse, all my original pages from 2006 are jumbled messes of teenage angst art. But it’s fun to reinterpret my own story! So, it’s looking like a 35ish page chapter to end volume one. I’m almost there, but it feels strange to not post the chapter a week or two early like all the other chapters!

I hope I’ll be back here in a week or two with the chapter ready! Until then, thanks for checking in!


Jan 20th, 2024

Happy new year! I have uploaded chapter 8 two weeks early! I planned to wait until Feb 1st to do clean up, but I wanted to get what was done out there for people to read. I’ll probably add some finishing touches, however, I’m happily working away on chapter 9 to end the volume. I’ll Try to have chapter 9 out by March!

Hope everyone had a good holiday season and has a great 2024. See you on the other side!


Dec 21st, 2023

I wanted to make a page to keep people posted on what is updating and changing here! So, I’ll be posting future updates here!

Chapter 7 has been posted a little early as a fun holiday treat. I was originally planning on posting it January 1st. I’m working through the next few chapters, but I will be taking a little holiday break. You should see Chapter 8 in early February.

In website news, I’m adding new pages for more non-manga content. It will be a while before it is up to a quality level I like, but I have more fun things on the way.

Thanks for checking in,


Nov 1st, 2023

Evermore hasn’t seen the internet since 2006. Back in the days of SheezyArt! It’s about time I brought it back. Work began in June and the site is now up, welcome to it’s new home.